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Adventures in Goobieland: Sickybug

By Kiara A. Blair & Jenise C. Richardson
Illustrated by Oscar Toons

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Introducing Goobieland

We’re proud to announce an exciting new series by mother and daughter authors, Kiara A. Blair & Jenise C. Richardson.

The stories in the Goobieland collection connect with children in a profound and entertaining way. The residents of Goobieland are a lot like us. They face social and emotional challenges but they find ways to make it through.

The debut book in the series, Sickybug, is timely as it helps children get an understanding of the importance of being considerate to one another and working together to keep themselves and others safe.

Get ready to make new friends & join the adventure!

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Book Summary

    One day, in a place known as Goobieland, three friends are getting very excited for their day trip. Kiara, Naveah, and Zion the cat are all ready to visit a brand-new playpark in nearby Tibbletown ...
    The park is everything they could ever have dreamed of, but they come to Goobieland with something they didn't want at all: a nasty cough!
    Have the three friends all caught the Sickybug? If they have caught the Sickybug, what must they do to make sure others don't catch it? Maybe the Boss of Goobieland, Samantha, will have the answer ...
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Book Reviews

    “Adventures In Goobieland: Sickybug is a brilliant way for parents to introduce the importance of social responsibility when it comes to public health.”

    Cordia N.
    Former educator and parent   •   Mt. Vernon, NY

    “The colors and characters are so engaging! I actually enjoyed reading this as a parent.”

    Garth C.
    Parent   •   Bronx, NY

    “I love the concept of this Adventures In Goobieland: Sickybug. This is the perfect tool to help parents explain the current health crisis.”

    Annie T.
    Parent   •   Easton, PA

About the Authors

Jenise C. Richardson and Kiara A. Blair are mother and daughter co-authors. Jenise is a proud single mom to her daughter Kiara who at the age of six imagined a special place called Goobieland.

Kiara would sit for hours and draw the different kinds of characters that lived there. One character in particular she liked was Samantha, the boss of Goobieland.

After years of determination, they are proud to keep this magical place alive and share it with children all over the world.